We want to hear from you!
We want to make sure that the GeoData Services at the AGSL remain useful and relevant to you. Please complete our survey and help us improve our services. This survey is being performed strictly for improvement of our services to you. The information is not being used in any research at UWM or elsewhere. You remain anonymous unless you opt-in at the end of the survey by providing your e-mail. The survey uses the UWM Qualtrics survey instrument.
EPA Environmental Dataset Gateway
About: This is the official open data catalog for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It includes the "Clip & Ship" ArcGIS hub, which contains limited geospatial datasets, and the more extensive Environmental Data Gateway, which also contains metadata about datasets. Data is free to download.
Data available: Includes shapefile, file geodatabase, GeoJSON, KML, XML (for metadata) and spreadsheet. Data can also be loaded directly into ArcGIS Online for viewing and analysis.
Topics include (but not limited to): air quality, superfund sites, temperature, precipitation, and environmental justice.
1. Type keywords in the search bar on the left. Alternatively, click "Browse Data" on the right.
2. If necessary, use the filters in the left side column of the results page to narrow down your search.
3. After selecting your desired dataset, click the "Download" icon in the column to the left of the map. Choose your desired format from the list (the number of formats varies depending on the dataset).
1. Type keywords in the search bar on the top of the page. Alternatively, click "Browse the EDG" on the right.
2. Depending on the dataset, there are different ways to view/download the data.
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Finding and Using GIS Data by Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.