We want to hear from you!
We want to make sure that the GeoData Services at the AGSL remain useful and relevant to you. Please complete our survey and help us improve our services. This survey is being performed strictly for improvement of our services to you. The information is not being used in any research at UWM or elsewhere. You remain anonymous unless you opt-in at the end of the survey by providing your e-mail. The survey uses the UWM Qualtrics survey instrument.
Homepage: http://gis-mclio.opendata.arcgis.com/
About: This is the GIS open data portal for Milwaukee County. The Topo-Planimetric county-wide data download offers users some of the most comprehensive basemap data available for Milwaukee County, including natural and man-made features. The Cadastral county-wide data download includes basemap information about real estate and property. Each are available county-wide or for specific areas.
Data Available: MCLIO spatial data are available for download as .SHP or .KML and as .PNG, .JPG, and .TIF in the case of aerial photos.
Topics Include:
Many of these layers and more are available individually via the MCLIO Data Download Portal. Also available here are LAS point files and aerial photographs.
1. Select a data category based on the topic you are looking for.
2. You can browse available datasets, filter the results using options on the left side of the page, or search for data in the search box at the top of the page.
3. Select a dataset by clicking on its name.
4. View the information about the selected data to ensure that it meets your needs. The map at the top of the page is interactive and displays the extent of the dataset. The abstract provides background on how and why the data was created. The attributes include all columns which would be included in the layer's attribute table. Switching from the "Overview" tab to the "Data" tab will display the attribute table in its entirety.
5. To download the data, click the "Download" button and choose the desired format from the dropdown menu. Choose to save the file to your computer.
6. If you wish to use this data in ArcGIS Online, below the "About" section, click the link titled "Create Webmap".
Some data must be requested for download from the MCLIO. Typically, these include files of large size such as LiDAR products and aerial photos. There are also geodatabase (.gdb) files of data such as tax parcels and topographic lines. After the form is submitted, the MCLIO sends the requester an email with the data to download. See: https://county.milwaukee.gov/EN/Administrative-Services/Land-Information-Office/GIS-Data/Data-Download-Form.
By clicking the "GIS Service Endpoints" box in MCLIO's homepage, users can connect to data hosted on the web. There is no need to download the data onto a hard drive, and the data are regularly maintained and updated by the MCLIO. For example, a user can pull historical aerial photography data from the web service and create a custom webmap in ArcGIS Online. Since the file sizes of aerial photos tend to be quite large, the web service method can save a lot of storage space compared to the more traditional client/server method.
Download 2010 LiDAR Data: for DEM, Hillshade, Smooth, Slope, Height Above Ground, and LAS Points.
Download 2015 LiDAR Data: (Currently only DEM and LAS Points for 2015).
The Contents of Finding and Using GIS Data may be reused with attribution for Non-Commercial purposes.
Finding and Using GIS Data by Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.