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UWM LibGuide Editor Training

An internal resource page used for training and getting started with LibGuides at the UWM Libraries.

Examples of Web Writing

Web Writing Examples


Example in context: 

Application of web writing principles:  


Our discovery layer will help you to find scholarly articles available through our databases. It can also help you to find the correct Library of Congress call number for books within the stacks.   

Search@UW helps to find:  

  • Journal articles   

  • Books  

  • Archival material  

Library Jargon 

Establishing Search Parameters  

Choosing keywords  


Complex Language 

Searching the Catalog can be a bit daunting. If you use the search box on the front of the Libraries' website, called Search@UW, you will get results from ALL of the UW campuses. In order to limit to what we have physically, you want to go the search page itself.  

To search for items in the UWM Libraries’ catalog, you can use the search box on the library’s main page. To limit to items we have available within the library’s physical collection, choose the “Available in My Library” filter  

Large block of text and difficult to scan 

Framing your research  

Scholarly writers engage with the work of others through the strategic selection of research and ideas pertinent to the question or problem under discussion. When trying to decide if a source is pertinent to your question, it can be helpful to ask yourself: What could a writer do with this source? Could this source provide background facts or information? Could I analyze or interpret this source for my reader? Could this source refine my question or extend my thesis? Could this source be a lens for interpreting competing findings?  


Scholarly writing involves using the work of others published in academic sources. As you identify sources to use in your work, you can ask yourself these questions:   

  • Could this source provide background facts or information?   

  • Could I analyze or interpret this source for my reader?   

  • Could this source refine my research question or extend my thesis?   

  • Could this source be a lens for interpreting competing findings? 

Too many resources; burying the lead 

List of 10 databases  

List of 4 databases- No need to duplicate the databases by subject listing  

Additional Resources


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Creative Commons LicenseAccessibility Tutorial by Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.