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UWM LibGuide Editor Training

An internal resource page used for training and getting started with LibGuides at the UWM Libraries.

Training Learning Outcomes and Overview

LibGuide Editor Training Learning Outcomes

LibGuides is a simple web design platform the UWM library uses to create digital help pages about library services and research skills. This training is designed for first-time LibGuide users and student employees. Supervisors should introduce the concept of LibGuides and have a LibGuide based project in mind before directing students to this training.  After completing this training you should:

  • Understand what LibGuides are and describe how they are used in the context of library services
  • Practice identifying web accessibility concerns and content management tasks
  • Become familiar with expectations for UWM Libraries LibGuides creators and editors
  • Get hands-on experience adding content to a LibGuide


This training has three units. Each unit has readings or videos to watch and an activity to complete. After you complete a unit, wait for feedback from the Instructional Design Librarian (Heidi before you move on to the next set of readings and activity. Complete the following units in order: