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Business 462: Marketing Research (Chiu): Industry / Market Research

* Featured Library Databases: Industry Profiles


What is an Industry Code?

► Identify the NAICS code(s) for an industry:
Many business databases also provide a NAICS code look-up; some still use the prior industry code system:  Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).

What is Market Share?

(S&P Global Market Intelligence;NetAdvantage; CFRA Industry Surveys)

Table presenting market share for leading liquid refreshment trademarks

From The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management:
Market share is the portion captured by one product of the total sale of all brands competing in that market and is a critical factor in determining competitive position.

From Investopedia:
Market share is used to give a general idea of the size of a company to its market and its competitors.

More Research Tools:  Industry