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Business 462: Marketing Research (Chiu): Library Tutorial & Research Activity

Library Research Tutorial for Bus462

Hello Business 462 students!

This tutorial will introduce you to library business research tools that will be helpful for finding secondary sources to support the Research Proposal project.

** Watch, read & review the materials below.

** Then complete & submit the Research Activity on the right.

Simmons Tutorial

 Simmons for Consumer Research
Watch the three videos below to learn how to use the Simmons database to find information about your consumers.

Industry and Company Research

Industry & Company Research
Watch the video below for an introduction to Market Share Reporter and other research tools.

Articles in Business Magazines, Newspapers & Journals
The library's two primary business article databases can be helpful for finding articles about your product/brand, your company, or your industry.

Review descriptions of each database below and then watch a brief video on the basics of keyword searching for articles:

Business Source Premier
ProQuest One Business (includes ABI/Inform)

How to Access Simmons Insights and Create Quick Reports

Library Research Activity (Word file)

Please complete the Library Research Activity using the Word file below and submit via Canvas.  

For your reference, the questions are also listed in the box below.

Research Activity

1. Simmons:  [ link ]
Use the data from Fall 2022 NHCS Adult Study 12-month to complete the following task.

a. Create a Quick Report: Demographic Profile for consumers who agree completely with the statement “I buy new clothes at the beginning of each season.” Paste a screenshot of the education and household income distribution below.

b. Which education group tends to agree with this statement? In other words, which education group has the highest Index number? Please provide the index number.

2. Market Share Reporter:  [ link ]
a. What is the market share percentage for Hershey? (size >3.5 oz.)

b. Paste a screenshot of your Market Share result.

3. ProQuest One Business  [ link ]
a. Search for articles about Farmers Fridge, a Chicago startup company with vending machines at UWM.

b. Choose an article from the results list and note as much of the following information as possible:


Article Title:
Source:  (e.g. name of newspaper, magazine, etc.)