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HIST 593: Seminar on Historical Method: Theory and Approach

This guide was created to support the assignments of Dr. Kim Hernandez' Fall 2024 History 593 class with a focus on the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis.

Activity 1: Looking for Governement Docs

Activity 1: Brainstorm Terms to Search for Government Documents

Review one of the historic New York Times articles linked below and:

  1. Identify the types of government actors, agencies and actions described in the news story
  2. Brainstorm some search terms to help find government docs

Tip: Look events and people up on Wikipedia to identify specific bill and public law names

Find Government Document

Find Congressional Documents

This video created by Boston College Libraries shows different strategies for searching ProQuest Congressional.

Types of documents you can find and filter results by: 
  • Bills-Find different drafts of laws
  • Hearings- Find expert testimony related to the policy before it went to vote
  • CRS Reports- Find the research materials about policies and laws provided to congress by the Congressional Research Service (CRS)
  • Congressional Record- Find floor debates and other documents related to congressional session
  • Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations (under "more")- Find presidential communications and orders

Activity 2: Searching

Activity 2: Searching for Government Documents

Use the terms and details you found in Activity 1 to:

  1. Search the database ProQuest Congressional 2 different ways. Doing this find:
    • 1 Topic Page that's broadly relevant to the topic of your news article from Activity 1
    • 1 Public Law broadly related to the news article
    • 1 other government document--not a bill or law-- related to the news article
  2. Experiment with one of the other recommended search tools. Try to find a document that interests you.

Be prepared to share. Bring any questions you have back to the class for discussion. 

Workshop Documents and Slides

Workshop Handouts

Librarian Examples from Demos

Keywords and context: Emanuel Celler; Joseph S Clark Kennedy; May, 9 1961, integration, "six-point program", Civil Rights Act 1960 (8601/PL 86–449), 1964 (H.R. 7152/ PL 88–352)