Review one of the historic New York Times articles linked below and:
Tip: Look events and people up on Wikipedia to identify specific bill and public law names
This video created by Boston College Libraries shows different strategies for searching ProQuest Congressional.
The Homeland Security Digital Library provides quick access to important U.S. policy documents, presidential directives, and national strategy documents as well as specialized resources such as theses and reports from various universities, organizations and local and state agencies. The resources are reviewed and selected by a team of homeland security researchers and organized in a unique homeland security taxonomy.
Use the terms and details you found in Activity 1 to:
Be prepared to share. Bring any questions you have back to the class for discussion.
Keywords and context: Emanuel Celler; Joseph S Clark Kennedy; May, 9 1961, integration, "six-point program", Civil Rights Act 1960 (8601/PL 86–449), 1964 (H.R. 7152/ PL 88–352)