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History Research Methods

This guide is designed to provide resources and tutorials for common methods in History research. This guide also supports the coursework of History 593 and 600 during semesters when these course are offered.

History Databases

Searching for Articles

Download the LibKey Nomad Browser Extension. 

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes off-campus searching easier. While searching the web, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through UWM Libraries.

When you click on a LibKey Nomad link, it will take you to UWM's ePanther login and then straight on to the full-text article. After you login once, you won't have to login again until you close your browser.

Getting Started
  • Install the LibKey Nomad extension on your browser 
  • Search for and select University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from the list of institutions
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the top right of your browser window
  • Start your search
    • When you are on a page where you can download an article, the LibKey Nomad button will appear in the bottom left of your browser

Use 'Get It!' to link to full-text articles

'Get It!' is a feature in library databases that can connect you to full-text versions of sources. When you open an article in a library database, and that article is not available, click on the 'Get It!' link or drop-down menu option to be directed to a full-text article. The video below explains how to use the 'Get It!' feature to connect to full-text sources. 

Request articles the library doesn't own

When you find an article that isn't available through library subscriptions, you can still get it for free using Interlibrary Loan. 

  1. Type or paste the title of the article in Search@UW to make sure it is not available through the UWM libraries
  2. Sign into your Interlibrary Loan Account using your ePanther ID and password.
  3. Click “Article or Other Copy” under ‘Select a New Request’ on the left side of your screen. Fill out as much of the form as you can, blanks with red stars are required.
    • If you have the DOI number for the article, enter it in the DOI box at the top of the page. Clicking “Resolve DOI” will auto-populate the form with the citation information.
    • In the "Where did you find this item cited" or the "Notes" field, paste a link to the publisher page, website, or database record where you found the article information. This will make it easier for Interlibrary Loan staff to process your request.

      Interlibrary Loan request  page with the article request option and DOI field highlighted
  4. Submit your request. Articles are delivered electronically. When a request is delivered, the ILL staff will notify you via email with a link to the article.