Recommended Texts
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Recommended Databases
Includes text reference, biographies, chronologies, sheet music, images, lyrics, liner notes, and discographies which chronicle the diverse history and culture of the African American experience through music.
Primary documents focusing on the history and culture of African Americans, Latino Americans and American Indians.
Black Studies Center is a fully searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals and historical newspaper articles.
Ethnic NewsWatch incorporates both current Ethnic NewsWatch and Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, providing a full-text collection of more than 2.5 million articles from over 330 titles, from 1959 to current. Ethnicities include: African American/Caribbean/African; Arab/Middle Eastern; Asian/Pacific Islander; European/Eastern European; Hispanic; Jewish; Native People.
In the Archives Dept., we have a significant amount of primary sources for your study of local civil rights. Topical strengths of our collections include the history of school de/segregation, the fair housing movement (especially the marches and disturbances of 1967) and community and civic response to these struggles.
A list of pertinent collections follows. We have many other collections on the general topic, which you may explore by using the search strategies described elsewhere in this guide, or by asking an archivist.