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WAK INT 284 - Honors Seminar

Selected Databases

Using Databases

Help using education databases - advanced search - creating a lesson plan

ERIC - Getting the most out of a scholarly subject-based (education) database like ERIC means using an advanced search.

Type in your subject/topic and consider adding one of the following narrowing search terms:

  • lesson plans
  • curriculum guides
  • planning
  • units of study
  • instructional materials
  • study guides

To narrow further by education level, scroll down to the bottom of the Advanced Search screen and limit your search results with the following limiters:

  • Education Level: Adult Education (use Ctrl button and also select Grade 10 or Grade 11)
  • Optional: just below Education Level you will find "Intended Audience" - you could add Teacher or, possibly, Student to narrow your search even further

Here are two other education-focused article databases that may have articles and lesson plans on your topics.

Teaching Reference Center - articles from professional/trade publications and selected academic journals geared toward teachers and teaching administrators. 

Education Research Complete - full-text database on topics related to all levels of education. Includes area of curriculum instruction.