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Systematic Review Tutorial

How to Find & Use Subject Headings

Subject Headings and Databases

A Subject Heading--also known as an Index Term, Subject Term, or a Controlled Vocabulary--is a descriptive word or phrase assigned to an article that allows other articles with similar focus to be classified accordingly and enables them to be found together, which is why they are particularly useful in Systematic Literature Searching.

While most articles have subject headings assigned to them, it is still important to mix searching with subject headings with freely generated keywords to get the best Search Recall.

Database Subject Heading(s) Field Tag(s) Explosion
PubMed MeSH [Mesh] (after) Automatic unless [MeSH:NoExp] is used
CINAHL (Ebsco) MeSH, CINAHL Subject Headings DE (before) + after broader term includes all specific terms
PsycINFO (Ebsco) APA Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms MM (before) adds the specific terms individually with OR
SPORTDiscus (Ebsco) SPORTDiscus topical Thesaurus DE (before) adds the specific terms individually with OR
ERIC (Ebsco) ERIC Thesaurus DE (before) adds the specific terms individually with OR
Sociological Abstracts / Social Services Abstracts / GenderWatch (ProQuest) Thesaurus MAINSUBJECT(subject term) MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE(subject term)