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CGS: Supporting Student Reading

Supporting Student Reading: Workshop 2

The reflection questions and slides on this page were presented in a breakout session during the Spring 2023 Opening Day event.  The committee read an extensive list of scholarly articles to better understand and answer the following questions.

  • Why should we build reading strategies into our courses?
  • How do we help students improve their reading skills?  What are some approaches to incorporating reading strategies?
  • What are some specific reading strategies and activities we can use to help students be more successful with their reading?

Reflection Questions

Initial Independent Reflection Questions

1.  What type of texts do you assign in your course(s)?

2.  Why are you assigning these readings?

Analysis of Text Types

Consider a type of text used in your course (scholarly articles, newspaper articles, essays, textbook chapters, etc.) and answer the following questions about this type of text.

1. What information do you want students to get from your assigned texts? (go beyond “the important” - what type of information? Also consider what students will be asked to do with that information)

2. Where in this specific text type can that information be typically found?

3. What can you provide for students to help guide their reading (consider the before, during, and after reading framework)?

Questions for Reflection

1.  What is one change you will make within your course or to an assignment based on what you have learned from this discussion?

2.  What is one idea shared during this workshop (by presenter or participant) that has had the biggest impact on your thinking about supporting student reading?

3.  What additional questions has this workshop left you considering about supporting student reading?

Workshop 2 Presentation Slides

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