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CGS: Supporting Student Reading

Recommended Readings

Davidovitch, N., Yavich, R., & Druckman, E. (2016). Don’t throw out paper and pens yet: On the  

reading habits of students. Journal of International Education Research 12(4), 129-143.,uid&db=eric&AN=EJ1117659&site=ehost-live&scope=site  


Desa, G., Howard, P. J., Gorzycki, M., & Allen, D. D. (2020). Essential but invisible: Collegiate academic

reading explored from the faculty perspective. College Teaching 68(3), 126-137.,uid&db=eric&AN=EJ1259215&site=ehost-live&scope=site  


Giordano, J. B. & Hassel, H. (2021). Developing critical readers in the age of literacy acceleration.

Pedagogy 21(2), 241-258.,uid&db=mzh&AN=202122616483&site=ehost-live&scope=site  


Gorzycki, M., Desa, G., Howard, P. J., & Allen, D. D. (2020). “Reading is important,” but “I don’t

read”:Undergraduates’ experiences with academic reading. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 63(5), 499-508. 


Holschuh, J. P. (2019). College reading and studying: The complexity of academic literacy task

demands. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 62(6), 599-604. 


Ihara, R., & Del Principe, A. (2018). What we mean when we talk about reading: Rethinking the

purposes and contexts of college reading. Across the Disciplines 15(2), 1-14. https://doi-org/10.37514/atd-j.2018.15.2.06  


Johnson, S. (2019). The fall, and rise, of reading. The Chronicle of Higher Education 65(31), A14-21.  


Joliffe, D. A., & Harl, A. (2008). Texts of our institutional lives: Studying the “reading transition” from

high school to college: What are our students reading and why? College English 70(6), 599-617.  


Kerr, M. M., & Frese, K. M. (2017). Reading to learn or learning to read? Engaging college students in

course readings. College Teaching 65(1), 28-31.   


Kohtz, C., McCoy, L., Klimala, E., & Gray, P. (2019). Reading among nursing and nonnursing students in

undergraduate education. Nurse Educator 44(1), 48-52.    


Manarin, K. (2019). Why read? Higher Education Research & Development 38(1), 11-23.   


St Clair-Thompson, H., Graham, A., & Marsham, S. (2018). Exploring the reading practices of

undergraduate students. Education Inquiry 9(3), 284-298.  


Wong, B. & Chiu, Y.T. (2020). University lecturers’ construction of the ‘ideal’ undergraduate student.

Journal of Further and Higher Education 44(1), 54-68. 


Xiang, L. (2022). Undergraduates’ & faculty members’ views on scientific reading & communication in

authentic inquiry. American Biology Teacher 84(3), 143-151.  

Flippo, Rona F., and Thomas W. Bean. Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research. Edited by Rona F. Flippo and

     Thomas W. Bean, Third edition., Routledge, 2018. 

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of the research (both theory and practice) on college reading and study strategies.  


Hovland, Ingie. “Bringing Reading into the Classroom: Using Active Learning to Practice the Invisible Skill.” International Journal of

     Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, vol. 31, no. 3, Jan. 2019, pp. 512–23. Education Research Complete,


  • An example of how one might design an entire course around making reading more visible and developing students’ abilities to read in a critical and complex manner. The author details how she developed her course using backward design, covering her goals, assessments, reading selection, and smaller activities/assignments. The article provides many ideas for specific strategies instructors could implement. The author gives a lot of examples of her own activities and assignments, but also cites strategies used by others. Ideas are widely applicable.   


Lampi, Jodi P., et al. “Using Disciplinary Approaches for Reading Literary Texts in Developmental Literacy Courses.” Journal of College

     Reading and Learning, vol. 49, no. 3, Jan. 2019, pp. 244–51. ERIC,


  • A very discipline-specific article that provides some concrete strategies that could be applied in other disciplines. 


Kershaw, Trina C., et al. “Practice Makes Proficient: Teaching Undergraduate Students to Understand Published

     Research.” Instructional Science, vol. 46, no. 6, Dec. 2018, pp. 921–46. Education Research Complete,


  • A concrete example of how to teach disciplinary literacy. Students were taught how to read scholarly articles for a psychology class, using a specific method for analyzing articles repeatedly throughout the semester. Comprehension was compared to students who were not given the same level of instruction and repetition.   


Ritchey, K. A., and A. List. “Task-Oriented Reading: A Framework for Improving College Students’ Reading Compliance and

     Comprehension."  College Teaching, May 2021, pp. 1–16. doi:10.1080/87567555.2021.1924607.  

  • Provides a rationale (including an overview of the literature on reading instruction) and description of the authors’ approach to supporting reading. Approach can be applied across disciplines.   


Staudinger, Alison. “Reading Deeply for Disciplinary Awareness and Political Judgment.” Teaching & Learning Inquiry, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan.

     2017.  Professional Development Collection,


  • Gives some specific strategies that are applied within a particular course but that could be applied in other disciplines. An example of modeling is provided.  


Theriault, Jennifer C., et al. “The Continued Need for Strategy Investigations: College Readers’ Use of PILLAR.” Journal of Adolescent &

     Adult Literacy, vol. 62, no. 5, 2019, pp. 541–49. JSTOR  

  • Presents a study that measured the effectiveness of a generalizable reading strategy.   

Tighe, Elizabeth L., et al. “In College, But Not Always Earning College Credit: Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies for Success

     During--and Beyond--Developmental Courses.” American Educator, vol. 45, no. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 16–52. Education Research



  • Provides a detailed (but still fairly concise) overview of evidence-based approaches and strategies for supporting college reading, including recommendations for online teaching and mathematics courses.