Depending on your topic these database may be good places to begin researching
Database of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. With selective indexing for 1,700 journals from 1955 to present, America: History & Life with Full Text also provides full-text coverage of more than 200 journals and nearly 100 books.
Primary documents focusing on the history and culture of African Americans, Latino Americans and American Indians.
Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment provides full text documents on the relationships among peoples and the environment in North America.
Ethnic NewsWatch incorporates both current Ethnic NewsWatch and Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, providing a full-text collection of more than 2.5 million articles from over 330 titles, from 1959 to current. Ethnicities include: African American/Caribbean/African; Arab/Middle Eastern; Asian/Pacific Islander; European/Eastern European; Hispanic; Jewish; Native People.
WorldCat holds tens of millions of bibliographic records that represent more than one billion items. It encompasses hundreds of languages and all formats, including rapidly growing numbers of electronic resources and digital objects.
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