Welcome to the UWM Libraries, we are here to help you!
This guide will assist McNair Scholars in searching and finding appropriate scholarly sources for research, and additional library resources and services of importance for incoming Graduate students including the following:
How to search and find resources- A brief overview of how to develop a search strategy. Walkthroughs for signing in to your UW system account and making requests as well and a quick look at where to find databases of articles and other research information.
Research and Support Services- Learn about the various services the library provides, like 24/7 chat help and research consultations.
Obtaining Non-UWM Materials- If a needed article or book is not readily available, UW system borrowing and Interlibrary loan are just two options for obtaining materials.
Citing Sources & other Citation Management Tools- A citation help guide and information on RefWorks, a tool for storing citations and generating bibliographies.
Visit a librarian at the Reference Desk in the west wing on the first floor of the Golda Meir Library
What are some reasons to contact a librarian?
To find the best resources for your topic
To discuss strategies and develop skills for searching article databases and the library catalog
To identify and locate primary source materials, and any additional library questions; we are here to help!
Chat with a librarian 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to answer your questions.
Call a Librarian during these hours
Email a Librarian with your reference question.
Schedule a Research Consultation with the above link with a subject librarian.
Subject Librarians provide library instruction, order requested books and other materials, and provide all levels of research assistance for faculty, staff, and students in all departments and colleges. To schedule a research consultation use the below link or contact Tiffany Thornton at thornto4@uwm.edu directly.