For any style item not explicitly addressed in the style guide, the SAA defers to the most recent version of The Chicago Manual of Style.
Any time a source is directly quoted or paraphrased it needs to be cited within the text, in addition to appearing in the list of references.
Simple Citation:
Direct Quote: You will need to include the author, year of publication, and page number of the quote.
Paraphrasing: Where applicable, in addition to the author and year of publication, the page number should be included in the in-text citation.
Multiple Authors
Citing a work with two authors:
Citing a work with three or more authors:
Author, A. Year. Title of Article. Title of Journal Volume(Issue):page start–page end.
Derara-Megenassa, Worku. 2022. The Life History of Coffee-Related Pottery Traditions in Ethiopia: Ethnoarchaeology and Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. Ethnoarchaeology 14(2):81–107.
Derara-Megenassa, Worku. 2022. The Life History of Coffee-Related Pottery Traditions in Ethiopia: Ethnoarchaeology and Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. Ethnoarchaeology 14(2):81–107. DOI:10.1080/19442890.2022.2127269.
Author, A. Year. Title of Book. Publisher, Location.
Author, A. Year. Chapter Title. In Title of Book, edited by E Editor, pp. page start-page end. Publisher, Location.
Elster, Jon. 1989. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Hampton, David R., Charles E. Summer, and Ross A. Weber. 1978. Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. 3rd ed. Scott Foresman, Glenview, Illinois.
Manzanilla, Linda. 1999. The Emergence of Complex Urban Societies in Central Mexico: The Case of Teotihuacan. In Archaeology in Latin America, edited by Gustavo G. Politis and Benjamin Alberti, pp. 93–129. Routledge, London.