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This module investigates the effect of lead on fathead minnow reproductive behaviors. Students learn about normal breeding behaviors and how changes in these behaviors are related to changes in fish physiology due to exposure to lead. Students then connect how the fathead minnow is a model of human environmental health.
(Photo: U.S. Geological Society)
Each of the following videos for the fathead minnow module are grouped as a teaching video and as a virtual experiment. The teaching video is a compact version of the longer workshop video and can be used by teachers as a self-guided introduction or as a refresher, and by students to guide them through the steps and concepts in the module, if necessary.
The virtual experiment videos are based on videos from an actual scientific experiment (the published paper from this experiment can be found in the LibGuide). Methods for this experiment can be found in that paper. Because reproductive behavior is optimal within 2 hours of aquarium lights going on and observation times for each pair was 4 minutes, the 20 pairs of control and 20 pairs of Pb-exposed adult minnows were viewed once over a 3-day cycle. Therefore, each "Round" represents a 3-day segment of the 2-week observation period. There are 4 "Rounds" with each a separate video. Be sure to observe them in the proper order as this will allow the student to see the development of the behaviors over time. The virtual experiment can be used by students either in class if procurement of animals or materials is difficult or at home if the student is, for any reason, learning virtually. Students collect data by viewing the video. Sample data sheets are also provided. Note: Due to the age of the original video, some secondary sex characteristics may be difficult to distinguish.
The following videos are useful as a tool to train both the teacher and student on the various methods and experimental set-ups used in the minnow module. Teachers can use these in the classroom to help students understand proper experimental techniques or as a refresher for the teacher. There are also a set of videos that allow students an opportunity to practice identifying the behaviors on their own before conducting the experiment on live animals or through use of the virtual experiment videos. It is strongly suggested that these be used to help the students become better observers of animal behavior. Lastly, there are videos that demonstrate the effects of either short-term (2 weeks), adult lead (Pb) or methylmercury (MeHg) exposure on fathead minnow reproductive behavior. The videos were created and copyrighted by the UWM Children's Environmental Health Sciences Center.
Key literature resources and website links about fathead minnows and reproductive behavior in general:
Key literature resources and website links about the effects of toxicants on fathead minnow reproductive behavior:
Key literature resources and website links about toxicants and the environment:
Key literature resources and website links about toxicants and human health: