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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People - Archives Dept.

This guide suggests how to use the Archives Department and Special Collections to study local LGBTQ+ history. It provides recommendations for search paths and search tools, and lists some pertinent collections.

Visiting the Archives?

The Archives are open 8-4:30 Monday-Friday
. When classes are in session we offer extended hours on Wednesdays when we're open from 8-6:30. Our reading room is located on the second floor of the Golda Meir Library in Room W250; to get here, take the main stairs up to the second floor, go through the first set of double doors on your right, and we will be right there. You can also take the main elevator to the 2nd floor; it will drop you off right across from our office.

The Archives office is NOT OPEN ON WEEKENDS

Have Questions? Contact the archives at or (414)-229-5402

Golda Meir Library 2nd Floor Map

Visting Special Collections?

Special Collections is open to the public 10am-5pm
, Monday - Friday, and is located on the 4th floor of the Golda Meir Library. Take the main elevator across from the Grind to the 4th floor, then walk past the exhibit cases to the end of the hall.

No appointment is necessary to use the collections during our walk-in hours.
Special Collection is NOT OPEN ON WEEKENDS

Have questions? Contact special Collections at, or at (414) 229-4345.

Golda Meir Library 4nd Floor Map