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WGS 401: Global Feminisms

Find Search tools, how-to videos, and other resources to help you find sources for your 401 research paper.

Searching for Scholarly Articles

Searching in ProQuest GenderWatch

Is it a Book Review or an Article

Download the LibKey Nomad Browser Extension for Better Full-text Access

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes off-campus searching easier. While searching the web, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through UWM Libraries.

When you click on a LibKey Nomad link, it will take you to UWM's ePanther login and then straight on to the full-text article. After you login once, you won't have to login again until you close your browser.

Getting Started
  • Install the LibKey Nomad extension on your browser 
  • Search for and select University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from the list of institutions
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the top right of your browser window
  • Start your search
    • When you are on a page where you can download an article, the LibKey Nomad button will appear in the bottom left of your browser

Look for the GetIt! Button to link to Full Text

Sometimes databases only include the summaries of articles, and you'll need to find the full-text article another way. Click on the "GetIt!" icon beside articles link to other access options. 

Reviewing Works Cited Lists/Bibliographies to Find Sources

Use the 'Cited by' feature in Google Scholar

Request articles the Libraries doesn't have

Request Articles through Interlibrary Loan

You never have to pay for a scholarly article. If you can't find an article or book in Search@UW or the library databases, you can always place a free request for the article using the Libraries Interlibrary Loan service.

  1. Sign into your Interlibrary Loan Account using your ePanther ID and password.
  2. Once logged into your account, select a request form from the menu in the upper left. Choose "Article or Other Copy" to request articles and book chapters.
    Screenshot of the interlibrary loan Select a New Request menu
  3. Fill out all the required fields of the request form (marked with a red asterisk), and, paste the URL of the item in the notes field. Including additional details like the author and ISBN number will make it the easier for Interlibrary loan staff to fulfill your request.

    Tip: To automatically fill in the request form, find the article's DOI number (usually listed in the database record for the article or first page), paste it into the DOI field at the top of the form, and click "Resolve DOI".
    Screenshot of the Resolve DOI field in the Interlibrary loan article request form


In general, interlibrary loan requests take between 2-3 days for articles and 10-14 days to fill books. Some requests may take longer.