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ED POL 750 & ED POL 850

Legal Resources

Legal Resources

Education Law Association
National member association promoting interest in and understanding of the legal framework of education

Federal Law

Federal Law

Every Student Succeeds Act

Copy of the law

Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002

Copy of the law

No Child Left Behind

Copy of the law



American Educational Studies Association (AESA) 
Students, teachers, research scholars, and administrators interested in the foundations of education

Brookings Institution
Tackles fundamental issues on the role of education in the national and global economy

CATO Institute
Founded on the principle that parents are best suited to make decisions on the care and education of their children

Center for American Progress
Progressive think-tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and action

Center on Education Policy 
National, independent advocate for public education and for more effective public schools

Consortium for Policy Research in Education
Researchers from the nation's leading research institutions; improve elementary and secondary education through practical research

Hoover Institution
Education policy as it relates to government provision and oversight versus private solutions; produces the journal Education Next

The Institute for Higher Education Policy
Increase access and success in postsecondary education around the world through unique research and innovative programs

John Dewey Society
Keep alive John Dewey's use of critical and reflective intelligence in the search for solutions to crucial problems in education

National Center on Education and the Economy
Committed to research, analysis, advocacy, and creating professional development and technical assistance materials

National Education Association
Education issues, action plans, reports, and research

Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development
US Department of Education

Philosophy of Education Society
Promote the fundamental philosophic treatment of the problems of education

RAND Corporation: Education 
Research includes K-12 assessment and accountability, school reform, teachers and teaching, higher education, etc.

UN: Education
Build a world with societies that value knowledge, promote peace, celebrate diversity, and defend human rights 

Build a world where the rights of every child are realized

Urban Institute
Nonpartisan economic and social policy research



American Association of School Administrators
Professional organization; some resources

Association of Wisconsin School Administrators
Professional organization; information and advocacy

Council of Chief State School Officers
Leads and facilitates collective state action to transform our public education system

Council of the Great City Schools
Represents the needs of urban public schools

The National Association of Elementary School Principals
Advocacy and support for elementary and middle level principals and other education leaders

National Association of Secondary School Principals
Organization for middle-level and high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring school leaders

National School Boards Association
Not-for-profit organization representing state associations of school boards and their member districts  

Phi Delta Kappa International
Professional education association

University Council for Educational Administration
International consortium of research universities committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders