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Diagnostic Medical Sonography

guide to resources and services available through the UWM Libraries pertaining to diagnostic medical sonography, and other health sciences

Full Text 3 Ways


Use LibKey

  1.  Use LibKey Nomad or LibKey IO to locate the article and connect to Access Options.
  2. This will either take you directly to full-text or to a page where you can submit an article request.
    1. When you reach the Full Text, download the item according to your browser and computer's prompts.
    2. If you need to request the article, you may need to Sign-In to your uwm account in order to find the link to request a copy.
      1. Once you have signed in, click Request a Copy.
      2. follow the prompts for logging in if necessary
      3. The form for the article should automatically populate with the information you need to get full-text. double check the "not needed after" field.
      4. Click Submit

Use Search@UW

  1. Copy and paste the article title into the main search box on the library home page
  2. if you see the article you are searching for in the results, proceed to step 4.
  3. If you do not see the article you need, look at the left-side where it says "Refine my Results," and check the box for "Include articles with no full text"
    "refine my results and include articles with no full-text"
    1. If you still do not see the article you need, use ILLiad to place a request (tutorial)
  4. Click on the title for the article you need.
  5. click on the full text link, which should take you directly to the full-text copy of the article or the database or journal where it is held.
  6. If you are still unable to access the article, use the Report a Bad Link feature in the catalog, and use ILLiad to place a request.

Use ILLiad

  1. Go directly to ILLiad
    1. Or access it via the UWM Libraries homepage > Forms and Services > Interlibrary Loan
  2. Click "Request Article or Other Copy"
  3. Fill out the required areas of the form and other relevant details that will help the library locate the article for you.
    1. important note:  the first field is the Journal name, not the article name.
  4. Click Submit
  5. Questions about requesting articles? contact Interlibrary Loan

LibKey Nomad

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes off-campus searching easier. While searching, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through UWM Libraries. LibKey Nomad works on publisher websites, PubMed, and even Wikipedia to connect you to scholarly resources. If UWM does not have the full text, LibKey Nomad will link you to Search@UW where you can make an InterLibrary Loan request.

LibKey Nomad connects you to resources while preserving your privacy. No personal account is needed, and LibKey Nomad does not track users or store your ID after you close your browser. When you click on a LibKey Nomad link, it will take you to UWM's ePanther login and then straight on to the full-text article. After you login once, you won't have to login again until you close your browser.

Getting Started
  • Install the LibKey Nomad extension on your browser 
  • Search for and select University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from the list of institutions
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the top right of your browser window
  • Start your search
    • When you are on a page where you can download an article, the LibKey Nomad button will appear in the bottom left of your browser


Watch the video below to learn more and see how to install LibKey Nomad on your computer.
Still have questions?

Check out the LibKey Nomad Technical FAQ or contact UWM's LibKey administrator, Lynne Jones.

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