The UWM libraries have access to an incredible amount of information through databases. Some databases cover a wide range of topics; others are more narrowly focused on a specific subject area. The videos to the right offer information for using library databases effectively and considering how references in one source can lead to additional sources. In addition, there are links to some commonly used databases as well as a link to our Databases by Subject page. From there, researchers can choose specific databases to search.
PsycINFO is the core database for searching academic, research, and practice literature in psychology. Search the database for citations and summaries of psychology literature published in journals, books and dissertations. Also search here for psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, law and others. It includes over one million citations and summaries. 98% of the materials included here are peer reviewed.
The PsycARTICLES® database covers general psychology and specialized, basic, applied, clinical and theoretical research in psychology. The database contains more than 25,000 searchable full text articles from 40 journals published by the APA and 9 from allied organizations. It contains all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each of the 49 journals.