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Library Resources

This guide is a page of general library resources that can be connected to Canvas Course Sites

Using Library Databases

How to Search the Library Catalog (Search@UW)

Watch this short video below to learn how to search the main library catalog for books, articles, media, and more. 

Find articles, UW books, digital collections & media

[Advanced Search]

Using Library Databases (search tools) to find Sources:

You can use a library database (search tool) to find scholarly sources specific to the subject you're studying. Start at the Databases and Guides by Subject page (external link) to find possible starting points. Not all databases work the same way, but many of them will have similar functions:

Find Full-Text Sources

This video demonstrates how to use the 'Get It!' feature to find full-text articles.

Install LibKey Nomad to find Full-text sources outside the library website

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes off-campus searching easier. While searching, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through UWM Libraries. LibKey Nomad works on publisher websites, PubMed, and even Wikipedia to connect you to scholarly resources. If UWM does not have the full text, LibKey Nomad will link you to Search@UW where you can make an InterLibrary Loan request.

Getting Started

  • Install the LibKey Nomad extension on your browser 
  • Search for and select University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from the list of institutions
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the top right of your browser window
  • Start your search
    • When you are on a page where you can download an article, the LibKey Nomad button will appear in the bottom left of your browser

Watch the video below to learn more and see how to install LibKey Nomad on your computer.

Search Tool Links

Library Search Tools

To search for sources on your topic, open these links to explore library search tools (these links will take you out of your Canvas Site)