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HIST 373 Research Guide: Queer History of the United States

This is a research guide for students in HIST/WGS/LGBT 373:Queer History of the United States with Ariana Myers

Using this Guide

Using this Guide

Research is a key component of this class, and the library has resources to make that easier. Consult the links and tutorials in this guide for help searching for primary and secondary sources and cite them.

  • Get Research Help- (current page) links to other relevant research guides and campus resources
  • Find Scholarly Sources- how-to videos, search tool links, and suggestions for finding scholarly books and articles (secondary sources) for your research
  • Find Primary Sources- how-to videos, links to collections of online primary sources, and information on visiting the Archives
  • Cite Sources- resources on how to cite sources creating Chicago style footnotes and bibliography 

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Related Research Guides: HIST 373

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