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Importing to a new manager
- Log-in to your EndNote web account.
- On the Getting Started Guide, under Find, click Import References.

- Click Browse to select the file you would like to upload.
- for folders, you will have to do this several times.
- for a full library, you will only need to do this once.
- For the Import option, you will need to select the File type you are importing.
- for an RIS File, select Refman RIS.
- for a BibTex, select BibTex.
- For the TO: dropdown--
- select New Group if you are uploading folders.
- select [Unfiled] if you are uploading a full library.

- If you are uploading folders, it will ask you for a name for your new folder. Give it a name and Click OK.
- Your import is complete. To see your references, click My References.
- If you exported Folders from RefWorks, make sure the exported folders have been properly named in your computer. If you did a full-library export, start at step 2.
- This will ensure that as you upload the folders into Zotero they are properly named upon import.
- Open up the Zotero Desktop app.
- Click File > Import

- A pop-up window will ask you what kind of file to import, it only gives one option: A file (BibTex, RIS, Zotero, RDF, etc.), Click Continue.

- Select the file you would like to import, click Open.

- Click the box next to Place imported collections and items into new collection and under file handling click Copy files to the Zotero storage folder (this will make sure Zotero syncs your files), Click Continue.

- This will then upload every citation record in the file that you exported. When it is done it will provide a notification. Click Done.

- If you have more folders to import, repeat the previous steps.
- Upon installing Mendeley it will ask you to import documents or a library. If you are not Logging into Mendeley for the first time, start at step 2.

- Click File > Import, Select the file format you exported from RefWorks (such as RIS or BibTex).

- You may upload multiple folders at once by CTRL+clicking each folder you would like to upload, and then clicking Open.
- You will have to create folders for each file uploaded, so it may be best to do this one at a time, create a new Folder for each import and repeat.

- You could also select one single file for your full library upload, if you so choose.
- The items imported will appear immediately in your library.