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Citation Managers

Includes information on how to select a citation management tool and how to transfer your library into it from RefWorks.

Exporting from New RefWorks (blue)

Do a Folder-by-Folder Export if you would like to maintain your folder structure in your new citation manager.
PRO:  it maintains your structure.
CON:  it takes more time.

  1. Select the folder you would like to export
  2. Click Share
  3. Click Export References
  4. On the Export References pop-up under the From option click All References in 'Folder Name' (n). For the Format option choose either BibTex or RIS
    • both BibTex and RIS are flexible file formats that work with the majority of Citation Management Tools (CMTs)
  5. Click Export
  6. Save the File to a location on your computer you can remember.
  7. Repeat this for the other folders you would like to keep and import into your new citation management tool.

Do a full library export if you would like to batch export all of your references at once.

PRO:  it saves time
CON:  it will not maintain your folder structure in a new citation management tool

  1. Click on All References on your RefWorks homepage.
  2. Click Share
  3. Click Export References
  4. On the Export References pop-up, under the From option, click All References from 'All References' (n). On the Format option, click BibTex or RIS Format.
    • Both BibTex and RIS formats are flexible and will work across multiple citation management tools.
  5. Click Export
  6. Save the file on your computer in a place where you can remember it and find it to import into your new citation management tool.

Exporting from Legacy RefWorks (orange)