There are several possibilities for obtaining articles you have identified through searching:
The menu may link to other library databases that provide the full text (click on the red "GO" button).
If not, click on the “Check for Call Numbers” link to see if the library has a print copy of the journal.
If the UWM Libraries does not have an article you need in either print or online format, request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Off campus? Set Google Scholar to link to at UWM:
From the Google Scholar home page, click on the "Settings" gear on the top of the page.
When you find a good article, click on the "Get IT! (UWM Libraries)" link - not the title
To show links to import into RefWorks:
From the Google Scholar home page, click on the "Settings" gear on the top of the page.
When you find a good article, save the citation by selecting "Import Into RefWorks"