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Multicultural Services

Committee Charge

  • Encourage an educational environment in the libraries that is supportive of users from various backgrounds and cultures. 
  • Contribute to a work environment conducive to recruitment, hiring and retention of a multicultural workforce at all levels. 
  • Assist the libraries in maintaining an atmosphere of friendly service to community users from diverse backgrounds. 
  • Advise to Director, Outreach & Community Engagement Librarian, and libraries as appropriate, on implementation of the above concerns. 

Highlighted Programs and Events

The UWM Libraries hosts diversity series and sessions with the goal to inform library staff and campus populations of diversity issues; and to provide programming that aides in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all library users. 

Meet Your Campus Partners Series 

Student Programming

  • March, 14, 2019: Critical Librarianship Panel Discussion facilitated by Stephen Appel. with Presenters Marcy Bidney, Shiraz Bhathena and Ann Hanlon.
  • Wednesday November 7, 2018: ALA Student Chapter/ UWM Library Diversity Committee Critlib  Facilitated by Carrie Wade 
  • Tuesday November 27, 2018: By Any Zines Necessary Facilitated by Heidi Anoszko

Diversity Exhibits 

Safe Space Training Provided by LGBT Resource Center

  • March 2, 2018  Safe Space Training

Think Tank Tuesdays 

  • April 23, 2019 

Guest Speaker: Fobazi Ettarh

Ettarh, Fobazi. "Making a new table: Intersectional librarianship." the Library with the Lead Pipe (2014): 378-93.

  • May 8, 2018

Pruitt, Allison-Scott, et al. "5 Things We Learned About Creating a Successful Workplace Diversity Program.Harvard Business Review (2018).


Highlighted Exhibits

December 2018 - January 2019 

 Civil Rights, Disability, and Designing for a Better World




December 2018-January 2019 

Women of Color Zine Exhibit

Summer 2018 

   Wisconsin Migrations Exhibit

December 2017- January 2018 Exhibit: 

All of Us: Milwaukee's Winter March for Freedom 


 Summer 2017

Milwaukee Summer of Festivals: Pride, Juneteenth & Mexican Fiesta Exhibit

The UWM Libraries Diversity Committee and the UWM Archives paired to create a Learning Commons exhibit that follows the story of Milwaukee’s desegregation efforts from the Brown v. Board ruling up to the early 1990s. The goal of this exhibit was to not only celebrate the successes of Civil Rights era, but to follow that narrative through the end of the 20th century and highlight the complexities of education reform that are often left under-examined. Visit our Archives tumblr post for additional information about the exhibit here.



March’s Library Learning Commons display celebrates women activists whose accomplishments have helped pave the way for a better society on a local, state, and national level. For additional information about the exhibit visit our Archives Tumblr post here.