• Narrow the search by using AND
Example: autism and early intervention
Result: By using AND, you are telling the database to only show results that contain both "Autism" and "Early Intervention"
• Broaden the search by using OR
Example: autism and early intervention or preschool
Result: By using OR, you are telling the database to show results that use the term "early intervention" or the term "preschool"
• Broaden the search by using an asterisk to search for different word endings
Example: teach*
Result: This search will find any word beginning with "teach" including teacher, teachers, teaching.
Source: Bethel University Library https://libguides.bethel.edu/c.php?g=403620&p=2747268
♦ Educational Researcher AERA journal, issues of educational research
Research in Higher Education Studies on administration and faculty, C&I, assessment, recruitment, academic performance
♦ Review of Educational Research AERA Journal, reviews topics in education
You can also do an advanced search in Google Scholar and paste a copy of the journal name in the box "Returned articles published in"