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Evidence Synthesis Reviews

Information and resources on conducting evidence synthesis reviews

Planning templates, trackers, and resources

Steps of Evidence Synthesis Review

Steps of evidence synthesis process: develop protocol, search, screen, synthesize, write

Developing a Protocol


  1. Determine research question
  2. Search to see if the evidence synthesis review has already been completed or registered
  3. Complete and pre-register protocol that includes:
    • Introduction/background
    • Research Question
    • Objectives
    • Definitions
    • Study inclusion/exclusion criteria
    • Information sources (i.e. Databases, specific journals if hand searching, grey literature)
    • Search strategy
    • Data collection, selection, and management processes
    • Data synthesis and analysis criteria and rationale

Protocol Templates

Common Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Systematic Reviews























From University of Melbourne Libraries

Protocol Registration

Registries will help you find evidence synthesis reviews that are currently in process or have been recently completed. It is also recommended that you register your review so that others can see your review in process. Certain funding agencies may require registration.

For more information on why you should register, consult Registering a Systematic Review.

Straus, S., & Moher, D. (2010). Registering systematic reviews. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(1), 13–14.

Registries for Health Sciences

Registries for other Disciplines

Guidelines, Standards, and Checklists

  • Guidelines, standards, and checklists should be identified at the beginning of the study and reported in the protocol
  • Specific guidelines, standards, and checklists may be required for specific publications