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For English 206 Technical Writing course

Publishing Your Research 101

Amercian Chemical Society (ACS) Publications offer free modules for authors and reviewers, such as: 


Research Integrity: Publication Ethics: free online training course provides researchers with practical steps for writing and publishing their manuscripts with integrity. The course was developed by Nature Portfolio. To access this course, you will need to register for Nature Masterclases.

Journal Suggesters

The following tools help find relevant journals for potential publication based on the abstract and/or title of your manuscript. These tools use machine learning algorithms to create a list of recommended journals compared with their profiles of previous published articles. The first four entries cover journals from multiple disciplines and publishers, the next two (JANE and Jot) suit for biomedical research, and the rest rely on journals by specific publishers.

Here is a brief guide on How to Assess a Journal created by the Canadian Association of Research

Scientific Writing Collection



Style Guides