In this activity, you'll practice searching in different library databases and comparing the ways different expert stakeholders (scholars) explore the same issue. You'll also get to practice brainstorming search terms. Important: You will use your search results from Part 1 to complete Part 2.
In this activity you will compare your search results from two search tools, each designed to support the research of different expert stakeholder: CINHAL Plus (for healthcare providers) and Sociological Abstracts (For Sociologists). Complete steps A and B before moving on to Part 2 of the activity.
A. Open both CINHAL Plus and Sociological Abstracts and conduct a search in each using the same terms: rural food insecurity
B. Review the title and details for the first 4-5 sources that appear in the search results generated by each tool. Note differences and similarities you see in the language and descriptions of these sources. Ask yourself or discuss with a partner: What common research interests do these three stakeholders share?
Tip: Keep your search CINHAL Plus search results open while completing Part 2
If you were going to conduct a new search for scholarly healthsciences sources--created by and for Healthcare professionals--about rural food insecurity, what search terms could you try?