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Art History 381: Images of Japan's Floating World

Information resources for research in the art history of Japan


The purpose of this guide is to help you with your research for Art History 381: Japan's Floating World. This guide contains links and information on the following:

Get research help

Librarians at UWM Libraries are here to help you find information resources and develop a research plan at any stage of your research process. Please complete the form to request a research consultation with a subject expert.

Use Books on Reserve

The media and reserve library is located on the Lower Level of the Golda Meir Library. Books on course reserve can be checked out for a 2-hour loan period for in-library use only. If you'd like to use a book that's on reserve for a longer period, you can see if the library has another copy or request it from another library in the UW-System or through InterLibrary Loan.

Search for course reserve materials using the Course Reserve search (available via Search@UW). Search by your instructor's name, department, or course number to view results of items on reserve for your classes. A search for specific known item titles also works.

See course reserve materials for Art History 381.

Find Full-Text Articles with LibKey Nomad (Browser Extension)

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that indicates the availability of full-text articles through the UWM Libraries or open access when you are searching the open web. LibKey Nomad works on publisher websites, PubMed, and Wikipedia to connect you to scholarly resources. If UWM does not have the full text, LibKey Nomad will route you to Search@UW with a link to a pre-filled InterLibrary Loan request.

To use LibKey Nomad:

  • Install the LibKey Nomad extension for your browser
  • Search for and select University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from the list of institutions
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the top right of your browser window
  • Start your search
    • The LibKey Nomad icon will appear in the bottom left of your browser when you are on a page with resources available through UWM Libraries