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- Do I have to be in the Library to use the databases or get articles?
- no - just use Databases A to Z or Search@UW to find what you need, and you will be asked to log-in using your ePanther ID (like you would use for e-mail), so you should be able to access articles from anywhere.
- How do I check out books?
- Books, DVDs, laptops, av equipment, anatomical models, and more can be checked out at either the main circulation desk or the media and reserve desk of the GML or UWM-Waukesha, and UWM-Washington County libraries.
- eBooks are available to access at any time online with an ePanther ID login.
- Where are the best places to study?
- Group study - The Daniel M Soref Learning commons on the main floor of the Golda Meir Library has the Grind, Reserveable group study rooms, and computer labs.
- Quiet study - A designated area for quiet study is on the Second floor in the East wing of the Golda Meir Library. It is in the Music and Curriculum Library.
- Graduate students may reserve carrels with recommendation from their advisor--come to the main circulation desk for a form.