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Researcher Profiles

An overview of Researcher ID and Author profile management tools

Online Presence

Networking sites are useful to increase the chance to:

  • Make your research activities known
  • Get your publications cited
  • Connect with your research community
  • Make new contacts for research collaboration
  • Get additional publication metrics for assessments

See Choosing a citaiton manager libguide.


Mendeley (owned by Elsevier) is a free reference manager and academic social network comprising of over 2,5 million users and 500,000 documents. You can create an academic profile, upload and organize your papers, announate and highlight your PDFs, create and share bibliographies with your colleagues through a private group, read up on new topics in public groups, discover new collaborators, access your account on the web or iPone/iPad.


Pivot at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Pivot (Proquest) is a database of funding opportunities and scholar profiles for University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. is a growing network of over 7 million members for researchers to share their publications and view analytics on their profiles and publications. You can log in with a Facebook or Google+ account, or create an account to get started. The FAQ answers questions about uploading or importing papers and working with their analytics tools. Full text publications are indexed by Google Scholar. 


 ResearchGate is a social network for scientists with over 3 million members from many disciplines with the biggest submissions from medicine and biology, followed by engineering, chemistry, computer science, physics, economics, etc. Set up a profile or login with Facebook, add publications, connect and collaborate with colleagues, co-authors and specialists in your field, get statistics about your views, downloads, and citations of your research, ask questions and get solutions to your research problems.