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LibGuide Car Wash Sandbox

This guide has workshop materials and activities from the Summer 2024 LibGuides Skill Refresh Workshop (the LibGuide Car Wash).

Introduction to LibGuides

This unit is designed to help you:

  • Compare different types of LibGuides and their uses
  • Become familiar with basic guide layouts and components

Unit 1 Instructions:

  1. Review the information in the LibGuides Basics box. There are 2 tabs of content: Explore UWM LibGuides and Learn About the Editor Interface.
  2. Write a response to each prompt in the Reflection Questions box
  3. Email your written response to Unit 1 with the Instructional Design Librarian ( Then wait for feedback before you start the next unit. 

LibGuides Basics (Read/Watch First)

Activity 1: Explore LibGuides

Review 2 LibGuides from each section listed below to get familiar with the types of guides that library users can see. Be prepared to note the differences and similarities between guide types.

Subject Guides

LibGuides created to support all or most researchers in a discipline or subject area.

Course Guides

LibGuides designed to support the coursework or assignments of a specific class.


How-to LibGuides designed to support information literacy and library research skill development. 

Activity 2: Watch the video LibGuides Roles and Structure

Watch this video to learn about the LibGuides editor interface and content types. 

Reflection Questions (Reflect and Respond Second)

Activity 3: Answer Reflection Questions/Prompts

Reflect on the questions below, and write short (3-5 sentence) responses to each. Email your answers to Heidi-- the Instructional Design Librarian (, and wait for feedback before you being Unit 2

  1. Describe the differences between a subject guide and a course guide? Discuss LibGuide content, audiences, and uses in your answer.
  2. Reflect on how different types of LibGuides could be helpful in the context of providing research help services. Describe how could you use LibGuides while helping a library user with their research.