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Researcher Profiles

An overview of Researcher ID and Author profile management tools

Author Identification: the issue

For research impact assessment the ability to connect the researcher to his/her scholarly output reliably is important. Researcher identifiers and profiles provide a way to:

  • group any name variations under which you have published
  • group institutions where you have worked
  • link all your publications together
  • use additional metrics for improving researcher impact 
  • differentiate yourself from others with similar names.  

This guide will introduce the most well known author identifier systems and some tools available to track and share your academic footprint.

Some tools, like ORCID and ResearcherID, focus on author name disambiguation.  While tools like Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search do not provide name disambiguation tools but instead harvest publications from the web and allow for editing of personal profiles including affiliations and publication data. They also provide citation data and other features for reporting purposes.

Researcher Networks combine the features of social networking and social media sites to help researchers share their work and find new collaborators.  Some networks,  like and ResearchGate, focus on social and collaborative tools.  While others, like Pivot, provide tools to find funding opportunities.

Researcher Impact can be measured using bibliometrics, altmetrics or a combination of the two.  This section of the guide introduces core concepts of both.

This guide has compiled some additional resources like articles and book chapters for further reading and software available to help with citation tracking and impact factor.

Researcher Networks